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Full Time Filmmaker Review

Photograph of the blog post author, Tanja Gavrilovic

Tanja Gavrilovic


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Being a full-time filmmaker seems like a dream to most aspiring filmmakers. And because it interprets as a fantasy, most will attempt to talk you out of pursuing filmmaking. Unfortunately, this dream can quickly become a nightmare when the struggle begins. Some search balance in infrequent film work while having a day job. Other than established names, it’s not that common to run into someone who will introduce themselves as a full-time filmmaker

One way to gain that knowledge is Full-Time Filmmaker, an online filmmaking course run by Parker Walbeck. We’re going to take a look at Full Time Filmmaker and decided if it’s worth it!

Full time filmmaker

What Is Full Time Filmmaker?

Full-Time Filmmaker is an online film school. Offered for people interested in filmmaking, you can learn all you need to know from the comfort of your own home! The course covers the basics as well as advanced techniques. You can even participate in virtual job shadows to get a real feel of the role. The course focuses on different areas such as weddings, music videos, and more.

filmmaking projector

Full Time Filmmaker Parker Walbeck Review

Parker created a platform that offers personal trainers in a variety of fields. As a filmmaker, you should consider all the opportunities in which you can benefit, and explore your talents. Besides film, skills learned in this program will prepare you for real estate videography, travel and wedding videos, music videos, and much more. 

Aspiring filmmakers and fresh-out-of-college students nowadays are fully aware of the potential that new media brings. It’s not about feature films and documentaries in their common form, every audio-visual form is a mixed media and to catch up with it you need to constantly learn and educate yourself. 

Practices in mixed media will also improve your communication and organizational skills and of course your skills as a creator of media works. Parker seems to understand how the industry works and is willing to teach you how, why, and when to get started. His platform offers training in the entire process of filming, starting with how to film to edit, and how to make money doing what you love.

full time filmmaker poster

Types Of Courses You Will Find On The Full Time Filmmaker Platform


As a Full time filmmaker, starting with advice on equipment and the best options out there, to fully professional advice on cameras depending on your needs. So many camera reviews are available online, but if you are not experienced enough you still need advice from a professional and especially if you have the option to communicate your ideas, for example, maybe you need to film at night and need advice about the best cameras for filmmaking, maybe you need to know about best cameras for music video, or what are the best lenses for filmmaking. All of these and more are available on this platform.


After deciding on equipment it’s time to learn how to use it. This program will lead you through all the technical details and settings on equipment and tricks on how to achieve the best visual results. 


Techniques and settings that make a common video into cinematic aesthetics. First hand and in-person learning how to become a director of photography and not only a videographer.

Premier Pro

As a Full time filmmaker, editing software can be intimidating until you run into someone who will present learning as a form of art and demonstrate a wide spectrum of possibilities and creativity that can be achieved. Not to mention that learning editing will help with all the other processes, such as equipment setting, lightning, sound…

Final Cut Pro X

Another editing software, after learning about both Premier and Final cut, you get to choose which works for you and which one is more convenient for your style.

Land Clients

Answer to the big question: How do you find clients and how do you make money? This is the whole point, discover what makes you stand out and use your speciality as a weapon to get clients.

Job Shadows

Working behind the scene on projects. A good start and a chance to prove you are worthy, as well as take time to learn about the business before you start your endeavors.

Real Estate

In the last couple of years, this type of video work got a huge amount of attention. Best videographers landed big projects. This is a very well-paid gig and it can be very creative and fun to do. 

Travel Videos

As a Full time filmmaker, you need to learn to plan, produce and edit travel videos. Options and jobs are unlimited and if you decide to do this professionally not only you will be paid to film on location but you might get a chance to see the world.


Commercials are a big part of the industry. Even big names got to do them. The best part is it is a short-term contract, it won’t keep you away from other projects and it is a very well-paid gig. In this specific niche variety of media such as animation, editing, and shooting come together, and you will be trained on how to do it.

Music Videos

A very creative filmmaking endeavor. With the smart course in best cameras for music videos, lightning, and gear you can change the way we see the music video, it’s not about musicians playing in front of the camera, it is a chance to make a short film and expand creativity.

Wedding Videos

Wedding videos are on the rise and productions behind those are on the level of film production. 


As a Full time filmmaker, learn how to use the full potential of a smartphone and how to film like a pro. Besides the setting available on your device there are some great filmmaking apps relevant to expensive equipment.


How to edit a video to look seamless and how to make transitions smooth. This is where the difference between professional and amateur becomes obvious. Most consider editing as the actual creation of visual media. Not to mention that by learning to edit you are becoming independent of hours trying to communicate your ideas and constant pressure to select one of a million choices in visual aspects. When you know how to edit you already know how to film and what to use to do so. 

Video Contests 

As a Full time filmmaker, you need to keep yourself engaged and motivated this platform is running a video contest twice a year. Other than teaching you how to create great content it will award your efforts.

These contests are all about themes, and prizes are pretty awesome. 

The most recent winner received a Devin Graham Glidecam ($850 value)

competition winner camera

Feedback Fridays 

Every Friday Parker will analyze videos from platform members, this review is standard in film schools and a proven method to learn from mistakes because they are inevitable and occur always, even to pros. Other than creative criticism, prizing the great work is equally motivating. Of Course, no one likes to be criticized but when the goal is an improvement it does not come off as negative but genuine.

Parker is also your mentor in every step of this adventure. Any questions or dilemmas you might have you can communicate at any time. 

This platform is inclusive and has members from all over the world. But is this enough for you to decide to become a member?

Why Become A Member?

As a Full time filmmaker, depending on what you are looking for, some platforms offer online learning, some offer separate courses and some include mixed media. This course is firstly open for everyone, there are no limitations in gender, age, or part of the world you live in. Parker isn’t just a mentor, he is an actual professional in the filming field and this is why he needs to update his knowledge, as well, in equipment and industry preferences. This proves that as a filmmaker or visual artist, you never stop learning, so he will communicate trends and novelties with you. He will continue with contests and he will stick to his idea that 

Membership on this platform is for a lifetime and one purchase only. All members are eligible for Adobe Creative Cloud Student Discounts. This perk alone saves you $360 a year in editing software savings. Members also save 50% OFF Red Giant software, 10% OFF Glidecams, Zhiyun Crane 2s, Rhino Sliders, and Westcott Lights.

With more than 15000 members worldwide and a 5-star rating pretty much speaks for itself. Another form of support is a Facebook group where you can participate in the discussion and learn about the program. 

Full Time Filmmaker by Parker Walbeck free download? A free trial is available on a website, so why not try and see if it works for you?

peter walbeck founder of full time filmmaker

Summary Of The Program 

When deciding on this program these are the benefits included in lifetime membership

  • 400+videos + hours of content
  • Access to all future content
  • All mini-courses
  • Professional mentorship
  • Access to Private community 
  • Access to video contests
  • Virtual job shadows 
  • Free music / Slo-Mo Sound FX/ Downloads/Presets
  • 60% Adobe student discount
  • 50% Red giant discount
  • 10% Glidecam and Rhino Gear and more discount

This lifetime membership means that you will make a one-time payment only. The price for this entire program is $799. 

girl working on full time filmmaker computer editing

So Is Full Time Filmmaker Worth It?

As always, it’s hard to say for definite if something is worth it! There certainly are a lot of pros to this online course. It’s not always easy to get experience and knowledge practically, places in the film industry are incredibly competitive. Anything you can do to add to your tool belt is always a bonus. The course can equip you with the tools you need to gain the confidence to get out there and start approaching the industry! Don’t let the statistics of success put you off, if you want it enough, you’ll get there!


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