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How to Get More Followers on TikTok

Photograph of the blog post author, Annika Hope

Annika Hope


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Have you grown frustrated with creating brilliant content for TikTok but receiving very little recognition? If this sounds like you, all is not lost. Here at Мusic Gateway, we want to equip you with the best knowledge to help you achieve the large, loyal following you deserve. So, stay with us as we reveal how to get more followers on TikTok.

Being faced with the challenge of growing any social media account’s following can feel incredibly daunting, but have no fear! We’re here to put the simplicity back into expanding your TikTok following.

A hand holding a phone with the TikTok logo on screen.

Firstly, what is TikTok?

TikTok is a video-based social media platform with users able to record and upload video content with limitless creativity. The past few years have seen TikTok push to the forefront of the social media scene and skyrocket in popularity.

Originating in China in 2016, TikTok has more recently spread throughout the West and has gone from strength to strength. TikTok has a phenomenal outreach with users all around the globe.

By the present day, TikTok has established itself as a household name. This seamless integration into our lives makes it difficult to imagine a time when TikTok didn’t exist. It’s no wonder that so many of us are turning to TikTok for some light entertainment, or to promote ourselves or our brands.

How to get more followers on TikTok for free?

So, you’re here because you’re wondering how to get more followers on TikTok and are perhaps also wondering if there are any cost-effective ways to do so.

Fortunately there is good news for those with no budget as there are many methods of increasing your TikTok following for absolutely no cost. This should be a welcome relief. Increasing your following may be as simple as making a few tiny changes to your existing methods of promotion. Let’s take a look at some reliable ways you can begin to increase your TikTok following.

a person holding a phone opening TikTok

1. Play to your target audience

Who do you want to watch your videos? Who do you want to appeal to with your content? Are there particular topics that your target audience is interested in? These are all essential questions to consider when embarking on your quest to increase your TikTok following.

Many of us are guilty of follow for follow, or similar techniques in a desperate, immediate need to increase our following. Whilst this may give us the immediate boost we need, it is not going to help in the long term. A slow-burning organic growth directed towards a chosen audience is much more sustainable and productive.

So many content creators overlook the importance of identifying and understanding their target audience. Understandably, many creators are so excited to make their content, that they forget this essential step for growing their TikTok followings. But this can result in less than desirable engagement and minimal growth which needs to be avoided at all costs.

Once you’ve decided who your target audience is, you can check your success by gauging the demographic of those who are following you.

2. Create interesting content

This may sound like a no-brainer, but producing innovative, engaging content is one way to ensure you get more followers on TikTok. However, in practice, this is not quite so simple. By now, the whole world seems to have a TikTok account, so it is the height of importance that you make yourself stand out.

You may have a particularly unusual interest that TikTok users might want an insight into, or you may have a talent or skill that warrants recognition. Whatever it is that sets you apart, you need to identify this niche and work it to your advantage.

Once you’ve done this and produced an already engaging video, you can amp up the impact in post-production. The TikTok editing process is fairly simple so it’s quite easy to make a visually average video fantastic through post-production.

3. Consistency is key

When it comes to how to get more likes and followers on TikTok, it is important to be consistent.

Nobody wants to follow an inconsistent creator who erratically uploads content. Followers want routine and you need to deliver this to them alongside a healthy serving of content that pushes the limits of creativity. This encourages followers to become invested in your content and remain drawn to your TikTok profile.

Coming up with your own schedule can be a helpful way to ensure you maintain engagement through regular posting. By doing so, you can be sure that your making every effort to reach potential new followers.

4. Get involved with TikTok challenges

Although you may have found your niche on TikTok, it can’t hurt to leave this comfort zone and get involved in the wider TikTok community. You can do this by taking part in trending TikTok challenges.

Challenges are a light-hearted way to immerse yourself in the entertaining side of TikTok and perhaps to do something different. Challenges involve replicating another user’s video and putting your own spin on it.

Taking part in challenges not only draws more attention to your account but also demonstrates your versatility as a content creator. It’s also a great opportunity to show your relatable side and rack up some followers.

5. Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags – a helpful tool for growth utilised by countless social media platforms. Including hashtags in your TikTok captions can ensure your videos are reaching your desired audience.

When a TikTok user searches for a hashtag, they are presented with a collection of videos containing that word or phrase in their caption. It’s best to be strategic and ensure that you use specific hashtags that directly relate to your content. This makes it more likely that the viewer has a genuine interest in your video and will increase your chances of gaining followers.

Rather helpfully, many lists have been compiled with trending hashtags for you to browse if you get really stuck.

A selection of badges displaying social media logos

6. Promote across other social media accounts

A multi-pronged approach to promoting yourself on TikTok can be very helpful. It is likely that you have several other social media accounts, especially if you’re serious about content creation or strive to establish yourself as a brand.

Regardless of whether you’re a TikTok newbie or a seasoned content creator, it’s a great idea to share your TikTok content across your pre-existing social media accounts. This ensures you can maintain a consistent following and audience across multiple social media platforms.

It could be worth repurposing your TikTok videos as Instagram reels or simply sharing your videos to your Facebook account. All that matters is that you continue to self-promote.

Also, your followers on other social media platforms may be so kind as to share your content with their followers too. This could also help you to gain a few extra followers with something in common.

7. Post your content at the right time

What is the right time to post you ask? Well, have no fear, let’s make this a bit more simple. Firstly, you need to consider your all-important audience.

Rather helpfully, TikTok analytics removes some of the legwork and allows you to view when your followers are most active. TikTok gives daily and weekly stats so you can rest assured you’re getting an accurate overview of your follower’s activity.

If you know where the majority of your audience is located, you’ll be able to work out their waking hours. If you can’t access your analytics, this is a great way to give you a rough idea of when to post.

8. Keep it professional

Having a professional setup can make all the difference and set your content apart from that of your competitors. This setup doesn’t have to be all-singing, all-dancing, or cost a fortune.

Your setup could consist of a high-quality smartphone camera, a naturally well-lit room, and a microphone. If you don’t have access to a well-lit room, investing in a professional light wouldn’t be a bad shout.

It would be a shame to use low-quality equipment if you’re putting in a lot of effort in creating content for TikTok.

9. Create your own audio

Think the ‘Say So’ challenge which saw TikTok users flock to the platform to dance along to the Doja Cat track. Audio has as much potential to go viral and get you noticed as video on TikTok.

Anyone can create an original sound on TikTok that can be used by other TikTok users and end up going viral.

The name of the sound and creator’s TikTok profile is seen on each video that uses the audio which is fantastic news for you. Anything could end up as a trending sound, from a voice-over to a catchy song. Don’t overthink it, start creating content!

Paid options

For those with a budget, there are many options that may give you a head start in increasing your following on TikTok.

1. TikTok Promote

An easy way to increase your outreach and gain some extra followers is by using TikTok Promote. This is essentially TikTok’s equivalent of Facebook Ads.

This option is perfect for those who are wishing to grow their brand and have some cash to spare. Promote grants you wider access to your target audience and the opportunity to interact with them directly. This gives you the chance to convince them why they should engage with you or your brand.

TikTok’s Promote webpage explains three of the best ways you can increase engagement through their service. Firstly, they suggest telling the story behind your brand. Secondly, they recommend showcasing your product. Finally, they explain that sharing a customer’s testimonial could be a great way to increase your following.

Though this seems to be more tailored towards businesses, it could still be used to your advantage as a content creator.

2. TikTok Growth Tools

As with the majority of social media platforms, there are growth tools available, but these generally come at a cost.

Social Buddy is one of the most highly rated growth tools for TikTok. It works by assigning you an account manager and by identifying things like content, hashtags, and competitors. This is all done with the aim of helping you reach and attract your target audience. Unlike some other options, Social Buddy gets you real followers, not followers from fake accounts.

Another option could be SocialViral which is a service where you can literally purchase followers. SocialViral prides itself on providing ‘lightning-fast service’ with a rapid turnaround of real followers delivered to your account. However, with this option, you cannot be sure that your new followers are genuinely interested in your content. So, if organic growth is something you desire, this probably isn’t the option for you.

We’ve only had the time to mention two TikTok growth tools, so be sure to do your own research.

A phone on some grass displaying the TikTok Logo

Our Final Thoughts

Attempting to increase your following on social media can seem like an impossible task, but this is simply not the case. Whilst it does require perseverance and dedication, achieving organic, large-scale growth is achievable by following the steps we’ve mentioned.

Perhaps the most important part of growing your following is identifying and truly understanding your target audience. Without this direction behind your content creation, it is unlikely that you will be able to grow in any dramatic size.

We hope this guide has been useful and look forward to seeing you as the next TikTok famous, viral sensation!

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