Ad Buying and selling weren’t always as simple as it is today. Manual orders, meetings, and contracts used to be part of the long process of publishing an ad. In the past, it used to take days or even weeks. Nowadays, with the help of demand-side platforms and supply-side platforms, it’s an effective and prompt process.
In this article, we will look at what is the meaning of DSP and what does DSP stand for?
What Is A DSP?
What does DSP stand for and what does DSP mean?
DSP meaning a demand-side platform is software that advertisers use to buy mobile, search, and video ads from a marketplace on which publishers list advertising inventory. These platforms permit the management of advertising across many real-time bidding networks, in contrast to only one, like Google Ads. Along with supply-side platforms, DSP allows programmatic advertising.
Demand-side platforms (DSP) are impartial to individual networks. If you are handling ads via a Google Display Network manager, you are only buying impressions from Google publishers. If you use the Facebook Ads Manager to buy ads, you’re specifically buying impressions on Facebook or Instagram.
Twitter is still one of the top valuable channels for brands. Alongside MediaMath Twitter DSP was the first integrated with Spaceback to include Twitter Social Display Ads with programmatic distribution for increased reach.
DSPs work independently of these networks. DSP is a third-party software that lets you purchase, analyse, manage ads across various networks from a single place. In the programmatic advertising picture, DSPs offer advertisers all the details they require when buying advertising from a publisher.
They don’t own or purchase media directly from publishers but instead, communicate with a supply-side platform through an ad exchange. Supply-side platforms let publishers list inventory on the ad exchange, and they communicate with DSPs about the information of an impression.
Various DSP products specialise in advertising locations, including:
Mobile DSP products: These centre on advertising space for mobile browsing channels, for example, in-app ads.
Video DSP products: These work predominantly with video-based sites and apps to compete for vertical video advertising space.
What Are The Features Of A Demand-side Platform?
Although DSP products may have their own somewhat unique features, there are some common features that most DSP products, have:
This is the performance that lets the DSP website work with other programs or software, such as data management and analytics platforms or payment gateways.
User interface
The interface is the dashboard or content management that lets advertisers access all of their information within the DSP homepage.
User profile database
This allows the advertiser to list the features of their target clients or ideal audience to help the algorithm establish the value of impressions.
Reporting database
With this, the advertiser can track and record data such as impressions, clicks, ad viewability, and conversions regarding one or all of the campaigns.

Banker or budget manager
The segment allows the advertiser to outline their budget for each campaign, including the max spending limit.
Campaign Tracker
This lets the advertiser track which campaigns are active as well as where they are displayed.
Ad server
Once a real-time bidding war has ended the Ad server advertises a virtual location.
This is the functionality that works in real-time and places bids on ad impressions.
Advantages Of Demand-side Platforms
Some advantages of using DSP products are:
DSPs allow advertisers to manage their campaigns and efforts over various real-time bidding networks. Due to all of it being adaptable from one dashboard, you are likely to be able to track all of your information from one location, which saves a lot of time.
Plenty of DSP products integrate with third-party data providers to allow as much data to be given to the advertiser as possible which is all in one place. Some DSPs can even let you import previous data from other management platforms you may have used.

By using DSP products, you can have the capability to put out more personalised ads in prime locations. This will help you to increase your overall engagement for the campaign and may also raise the opportunity for conversions.
Developers behind DSP websites may often provide customer support for their systems. Many have traditional helplines or frequently asked questions documents, though some may provide more in-depth advice or knowledge beyond traditional troubleshooting.
Inventory quality
DSP websites are not affiliated with just one company or group, therefore DSP products can have access to a wider variety of networks that are able to sell advertising space. Choosing the one which is most appropriate for your business can let you gain the best quality access to the channels in which you desire most.
In using DSP products, you are also able to connect with a broader target audience. This might include reaching them via new platforms, through a greater number of potential customers, or potentially new geographical locations.
Disadvantages Of Demand-side Platforms
Some disadvantages of using DSP products include:
When you decide to invest in a DSP it could be viewed as expensive, this all depends on which service you choose. Occasionally, it may cost you thousands of pounds each month in ad bidding. Also, full-serviced DSPs sometimes have a greater price point than self-service options. It is always good to think about your budget prior to investing in a DSP and look at alternative options for virtual advertising where possible.
DSPs rely on complex algorithms to help discover which ads are the most appropriate fit for the available space. Occasionally, using lots of data to multiple algorithms can increase the steps or make the advertising process more difficult. If you are only starting in online marketing and want to try an easier solution first, think about the programmatic direct method.
Amazon DSP
Amazon DSP is a software DSP that delivers automated, centralised media buying from various sources. It is available to not only advertisers who sell products on Amazon but also those who don’t. Sponsored Display is a self-service display advertising product, and Amazon DSP is a solution that lets you programmatically purchase ads that incorporate, but are not limited to, display ads.
Amazon DSP provides a self-service as well as a managed-service approach. Self-service customers gain full control of their campaigns. Whereas the managed-service option is available for companies who wish to access the Amazon DSP inventory, or for those with limited programmatic advertising experience, there is a consultative service. The managed-service option usually has a minimum spend of USD 35,000.

Neutral DSP
Neural DSP is a DSP product that is leading in delivering very realistic digital models of the analogue components you know and love. They are produced in an affordable package with an attractive, easy-to-use user interface.
The Neural DSP is a free piece of software that runs on your computer to handle your licenses for plugins. It is easy to sign up and install, and it secures your license guaranteeing that no one can take it, and no one can pirate the plugins!
What Is A DSP Worker?
DSP is a software program that helps innovate digital marketing and advertising. It provides accessible and highly targeted services to facilitate advertisers when they need to reach consumers in real-time. Digital advertising space can be competitive; therefore, DSPs can help advertisers know about the system and understand how to navigate and engage with it.
DSPs have enhanced how advertisers buy and publishers sell marketing space, which has led to a change from human ad buyers and salespeople to algorithms. The best Software Development Managers lead next-generation solutions to ensure advertisers reach customers.
A DSP worker starts with the customer and works backwards in everything they do, in particular Advertising. The DSP worker allows advertisers to grow their businesses while delivering relevant ads to end customers.
Key DSP Worker Job Responsibilities
Demand Side Platform (DSP) workers deliver ad impressions and click daily and are breaking fresh ground to produce world-class products. They have to be highly motivated, and cooperative with an ability to innovate. As a Software Dev Manager, you have to focus on generating changes with a complex, low-latency, high-throughput advertising system.
DSP workers are great at driving results, building solutions for large, multi-functional projects on time, predicting bottlenecks, delivering escalation management, anticipating and making trade-offs, and balancing business needs and technical constraints. DSP workers are responsible for defining technical design and building world-class software that pushes boundaries.
Final Thoughts
A DSP website has disrupted and introduced important innovations in a process that was known for being inefficient, because of its essential negotiations and back-and-forth between media buyers or advertisers and publishers.
DSP homepage has allowed for the merging of supply into one platform which automates the ad buying process through real-time bidding, brings transparency, and accountability, and improves the ability for advertisers to reach their target audience through a broader range of publisher sites.
For those advertising on a select few platforms, the cost and complexity of a DSP might not be worthwhile but for certain businesses, a DSP is the most appropriate option. It gives an efficient and wider reach of prospects over various ad exchanges.