If you are looking to discover new artists then Spotify is the place to look. In 2022, it is a platform widely used by music fans. That’s why as an up-and-coming artist it is fundamental that you know how to get on Spotify playlists. So, how can new artists get into Spotify playlists?
Navigating how to get on Spotify playlists can be a minefield. The only way is to put your music in front of curators and make an impact. Here, we’ll go through the different types of playlists, how to get on Spotify playlists and how to find curators.
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Why Does Spotify’s Algorithm Matter?
We know you’re wondering how to get on Spotify algorithmic playlists but as an artist how seriously do you take your Spotify profile? Think of Spotify as a social media channel. Although it isn’t exactly a social media platform it does have algorithms, just like YouTube. The aim is to give you the music you like and to ensure you stay on Spotify as long as possible. As an artist, you need to play the algorithm to make sure people keep listening to your music. The more people listen the more rewards Spotify will give you. You, therefore, need to show Spotify that you love the platform and can be taken seriously and this is how to get on Spotify algorithmic playlists.
Spotify considers listener behaviour, skips, and playlist adds as well as most listened-to artists for their algorithmic system. When you can make your listeners happy, the platform and give artists information for their dataset, you are on the way to getting into Spotify playlists.

Types Of Spotify Playlists
Not all playlists are equal so it is important to know how to get on Spotify playlists. There are various playlists that have individual features and need clear strategies to be considered others are put together by an algorithm and some by a user.
Editorial Playlists
These are curated by Spotify’s editorial team. Created by tastemakers to please various music styles, moods, topics or trends all over the world. Some examples include Rock Classics or New Music Friday. The Editorial playlists have an active following and are very selective.
Algorithmic Playlists
We have already discussed how to get on Spotify algorithmic playlists but what does it actually mean. They are unique for every listener and created solely by Spotify’s own system.
The ‘Made For’ section features algorithmic playlists including Discover Weekly and Release Radar and also various Daily Mixes.
The Release Radar playlist looks at data in order to create recommendations. Spotify’s algorithm indicates the listening habits of users for example their likes, shares, playlist adds, skips, and plays in order to figure out what new music they will like.
Listener Playlists
Some playlists are created by Spotify users. Some are personal listening playlists or created for family and friends, others are influencer curated which attract huge followings. A way to get into Spotify playlists is by submitting your music to influences and curators to feature your tracks.
How To Get On Spotify Playlists
Sign Up To Spotify For Artists
Get in Spotify playlists with this app. It lets you connect with fans and most importantly it has the vital backend to manage your official Spotify presence. You will find all the statistics that matter to you as a Spotify Artist. You will be able to target your fanbase geographically and if you don’t know where you should tour, this will help you reach your fan base as you will know where your fans are listening from.
It can be a confidence boost when seeing your numbers grow but make sure you don’t get too carried away with all the data available to you.

Verify Your Spotify For Artists Account
It’s simple to get verified and can be helpful when you want to get into Spotify playlists. What you need to do is to confirm and verify your profile on Spotify for Artists. You will then receive a blue tick which makes listeners and Spotify take you more seriously.
The higher amounts of data you have the more likely it is for you to be taken seriously and the better your chances are to get into Spotify playlists.
Enhance Your Profile
When considering how to get on Spotify playlists you really do need to think about your profile. It’s unbelievable how many artists’ profiles don’t look great. You should think of your profile how you would a Social Media feed.
If a user was to click on your profile would they want to listen to your music or does it look incomplete? You want to be consistent as an artist especially when you want to know how to get on Spotify playlists.
Create a header and bio photos that are vibrant, high quality and representative of who you are as an artist. Select your artist pic, and include merchandise and information about any upcoming gigs (when and where you are playing). Don’t forget to include your social media profile links. This all works in your favour for how to get on Spotify playlists.
Ensure all the details you include answer any important questions that listeners might have. Who you are, where you are from, what you represent and how fans can find out more about you. All these details will feed into how to get on Spotify algorithmic playlists. The more information you give to Spotify the better. Creating a profile and setting it up properly is possibly one of the main steps for how to get on Spotify playlists.
Boost The Algorithm Organically
Prior to you manually submitting your music to playlist curators and the Spotify editorial team, there is some work you have to do. Spotify works as an algorithm. Spotify is encouraging more algorithm-based playlists.
When thousands of people listen to a specific track, it is clear that Spotify would want that track to be heard by more people. This is because when a track on Spotify doesn’t attract any attention then Spotify thinks why should they be sharing it with more people. The more listens you have the easier it is to get into Spotify playlists.

You need to start getting real, organic data put into Spotify’s database regarding your music. When you release a single, you need to encourage people to go to Spotify on a regular basis. Organic streams need to come from real listeners and you shouldn’t skip, fake or ignore them. Get in Spotify playlists by making sure your links go to new releases, you can set your email signature to point people to Spotify to listen to your tracks and each day you can put stories out and content on social media to remind people to listen to your latest Spotify track.
For how to get on Spotify playlists you can ask favours of real fans by asking them to add your new release onto their playlists or even create a playlist and add your new track to it. It is these small details which get noticed by Spotify and can make a huge difference when wanting to get into Spotify playlists.
Playlists begin small and build over time, it isn’t likely you will appear on Release Radar or Discover Weekly straight away but you may start to appear on smaller playlists. This helps for how to get on Spotify algorithmic playlists. The algorithm could grow and begin to spider your song out to other places. Never buy fake streams in order to boost a song and the algorithm. Spotify represents the music industry and is somewhat of a gatekeeper so if you don’t put in the work you won’t succeed.
Submit New Releases To Spotify
To get into Spotify playlists Spotify for artists is key. You can submit your tracks to Spotify playlists however you should remember that if you don’t put in the groundwork prior to submission then why would they put it on their playlists.
When you release a single on Spotify, it helps to get in early. You can submit a track to Spotify for playlist consideration 4 weeks prior to the track being released on Spotify.
This is how to get on Spotify playlists by submitting your music to Spotify in 3 simple steps:
· On your desktop, log in to your Spotify for Artists dashboard
· Select Get Started next to the track you want to submit or go to Profile, right-click any unreleased music and choose to Submit a song
· Complete as much information as possible about the song. The more data Spotify has regarding the submission the better your chances will be.

Pitch Your Music To Playlist Curators
How about curated Spotify playlists? There are lots of them but they are usually owned by
influencers, bloggers, celebs, YouTubers, Radio Stations, and website owners to name a few. Most of the curators have their own music blogs and website which focus on artists in that niche. So, how do you find curators to be able to pitch your song and get in Spotify playlists?
The good news is they are quite accessible. They want to be found and are on the lookout for new music. Their job is to discover new tracks and new artists to promote to their audience. All you have to do is to research in order to find them.
You could spend hours looking through Spotify, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and more to find curators or you could contact Мusic Gateway for more information. With our platform, there are plenty of opportunities for curators who are on the lookout for new and exciting artists.
Spotify Curated Playlist Pitch Tips
Once you have found curators you will need to approach them in order to get into Spotify playlists.
Be realistic with whom you approach
Curators will want to feature artists who represent their style so look at whom you are approaching when you want to get into Spotify playlists. If the fit isn’t right then you will be wasting their time and yours.
Make sure everything is in order
You have to start by putting in the time to your Spotify profile. How to get on Spotify playlists starts with taking care of the way your Spotify looks first.
Be patient and build relationships
Don’t just send random messages such as ‘Hi, can you promote my song?’. Think carefully about your approach. They will need to know more about you as an artist so make sure you tell them. You can’t expect them to get you more listeners, fans and streams if they don’t know who you are.
What is in it for the curators?
A curator’s job is to help get more people to listen. If you can clearly explain what you are doing and how you promote yourself it will give them a better idea of why they should help you get into Spotify playlists.
Ensure your marketing points toward Spotify
Мusic Gateway can help with music marketing. Ensure you develop your Spotify streams organically with current followers and always point them to Spotify.
Don’t buy onto playlists
Fake numbers won’t help you and can damage your reputation. It’s just a waste of your time and money and won’t help progress your career.
How Мusic Gateway Can Help
For members of Мusic Gateway, you can get into Spotify playlists by submitting your music to our playlists. The playlists ensure your music gets more listens and can even get you enough attention to be considered for Spotify’s editorial playlists. It’s simple, all you have to do is click on the playlist you want to submit your music to, follow it then upload your releases and click submit. Sign up to Мusic Gateway and submit to our playlists. Our services will increase your chances of getting on a Spotify editorial playlist.

There you have it, how to get on playlists on Spotify. Your best way to get into Spotify playlists is to build up a dedicated fan base that will follow you from each platform and helps to bring attention to you as an artist. The greater your demand the more likely it is for you to get featured. Simple things such as getting your metadata straight and being strategic with whom you submit your music will help attract attention.
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