Best Music Organiser for your Music Catalog: The Audio Library!
You ask, we deliver. For a while now, you’ve been asking us for an easy way to manage your music catalogue. So that’s exactly what we created. Introducing the Audio Library! This is something we have made for those of you with a larger music catalogue. Whether you’re a record label, publisher, supervisor or simply an artist with a big music collection.
We put a lot of love into making our site the best it can be for you. We’re always listening to your feedback and constantly evolving the platform to make sure we fulfil our mission of empowering creatives from every area of the music business.
Hearing about us for the first time? Мusic Gateway is a global online platform with a goal to empower creatives and companies all over the world to be the best they can be at what they do. The platform allows people to build their network and get more opportunities through the creative marketplace, get represented for TV & Film music licensing projects as well as song placements for major artists and on top of this present and organise their music professionally with a catalogue management system. All of these tools together in one space allow the industry to better its music, represent its music and manage its music leading to a bigger, better and fairer industry.
So what can the Audio Library do for me, you ask?
The Audio Library is here to help in being more organised with your online music files. It’s time for you to be able to manage your own catalogue and repertoire with ease, saving you time and money and giving you control of your data.

Our new Audio Library product is a long-awaited feature purpose-built for managing and categorising your music. It is essentially a music library manager with a goal to make finding and editing your music & information an easy and painless experience:
- See your music in a setup similar to iTunes and Spotify, whilst being able to use it as a music player
- See all the important information you need in a glance
- Do a quick music search through your file library using metadata, keywords and categorisation filters
- Create playlists from a single place
- Rate tracks and sort by rating
- Add songs to a favourites list
- Edit metadata and download your MP3 files with all the metadata embedded
- Filter songs by genre or year for quick opportunity submissions
What’s the difference between Cloud Storage and the Audio Library?
Although our cloud storage has plenty of value itself (not just music storage but a storage service for everything else you need such as album art, press shots and more), the new big brother Audio Library takes music management to the next level. The audio library would not be possible without file storage as you will still have to store your files in order to manage them.
Think of it as files on your computer versus your iTunes library. Those files need to exist in order to manage, play and search for music on iTunes. Now take that idea and make it bigger, more organised and music industry-focused. Voilà, you have yourself an iTunes alternative.
The audio library brings together the online music library cloud storage with our metadata management and playlist creator so you can access everything in one place with a great overview. Carry on reading to see how to organise music files in the new Audio Library or take a look at the new feature here.
So how do I start using the Audio Library?
In order to use the Audio Library, you need to be a higher-tier member. This means you need to be an Influencer or Game Changer. If you’re still an adventurer, you’ll need to upgrade to get access to this new feature.
After uploading your music to your cloud storage, you can navigate to the Audio Library page to start utilising the management of your songs. Go ahead and edit any of the information you see by clicking on a song and then clicking ‘edit metadata’. You’ll need to make sure your metadata is added to be able to search for your music by anything like mood, genre, release year, length and more.

You can also easily rate the music in your catalogue just by clicking on one of the five stars. Doing this will help you find the best tracks in your catalogue.
Filter by keywords and genres and sort by title, artist, album, file name, file type, song length, release/composition year, BPM or rating.
Use the ‘Add to Playlist’ button within the Audio Library to quickly add songs to any of your current playlists or create a new playlist to add to.
Simple! So get creating….